Zi Cao Seed
Zi Cao Seed
Lithospermum erythrohizon
Zone 5-9
Start seeds in fall to stratify and germinate in the spring or give 4 weeks cold conditioning in the refrigerator for spring sowing. Barely cover seeds, tamp firmly and keep well watered. Transplant out into the garden at 2 feet apart.
Zi Cao, has many medicinal uses found in its purple roots and has been used in TCM for thousands of years for its potent properties. Used for wounds, burns, frostbite, eczema, hemorrhoids, and even tumors and cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, regulating blood sugar as well as anti-microbial and anti-viral properties to name a few. Makes a beautiful purple dye.
Packet about 50 seeds
Open pollinated, no GMO’s, untreated, hand harvested
Wayside Botanicals cannot take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always do research and seek advice from a professional before consuming and/or using a plant medicinally.