Wayside Botanicals


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Whole Root Osha, Dried Ligusticum grayi

Whole Root Osha, Dried Ligusticum grayi

from $50.00
Wild harvested, dried whole root Osha, Ligusticum grayi.

I ethically wild harvest Ligusticum grayi in the high alpine meadows of the north cascades. I only harvest from healthy stands with lots of plants and harvest after flowering to disperse seeds during harvest. I hand dig in small quantities. Same day as harvest I wash and dry roots.

The pungent and oily roots of Osha help relieve and speed the recovery of sore throats, lung and viral infections. Opening and drying expectorant properties for the raspatory system. Osha is also stimulating to the digestive system, relieving gas, as well infections in this area.

*As with all herbs, it is wise to do some research prior to using. Any information I provide is based on personal experience, and lifetime of study, and is not intended to be medical advice. Any herbs sold are not intended or guaranteed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease, I am not responsible for any adverse reactions or misuse of my products.
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