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All our seeds are grown here on the farm. Hand harvested, open pollinated, untreated and non-GMO.
Leonurus japonicas (Yi mu cao)
Annual (self-seeding)
Sow seeds after last frost in spring. Cover seeds with twice their thickness, and keep evenly moist, germination happens quick. Easy to grow.
One of the 50 fundamental herbs in Chinese medicine. Digestive bitter, calming nervine and woman’s reproductive health herb, helping to regulate menstruation, ease post-partum pain and bleeding, and to help to eject the placenta it also. relieves PMS symptoms and is considered the number one herb in Chinese medicine for the treatment of infertility. Beautiful While flowers the bees love.
Packet 100 seeds
Open pollinated, No GMO’s, untreated, and hand harvested.
Wayside Botanicals cannot take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always do research and seek advice from a professional before consuming and/or using a plant medicinally.
Salvia sclarea
Biannual flowering the second year
Zones 4-9
Start seeds in early spring after the last frost. Barely cover seed and tamp firmly into the soil and keep well-watered. Start in flats or pots to be transplanted out in a sunny location with moist soils.
Highly aromatic sage used in primarily in aromatherapy. Beautiful purple and white blooms the second year, heavenly fragrant…intoxicating.
Open pollinated, no GMO’s, untreated, hand harvested.
Cannot ship to WA Sate -sorry
Wayside Botanicals cannot take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always do research and seek advice from a professional before consuming and/or using a plant medicinally.
Niccotiana rustica
90 days till harvest
Sow seeds outside after last spring frost. Surface sow seeds, tamp down firmly and keep moist until germination, which happens quickly. Start in pots or flats to transplant out into the garden. Plants will be stunted if left in pots too long.
Heirloom seed comes from the Tewa Peoples of New Mexico, original seed comes from the Native Seed Search. High nicotine content for an excellent smoking tobacco.
Packet about 100 seeds
Open pollinated, no GMO’s, untreated, hand harvested
Wayside Botanicals cannot take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always do research and seek advice from a professional before consuming and/or using a plant medicinally.
Cimicifuga racemosa
zones 3-6
Seeds need a long period of stratification to germinate, warm/cold/warm. Sow seeds in flats or pots outside in fall, and allow to overwinter in weather extremes, natural germination will begin in the spring as weather warms. Or stratify in the refrigerator for spring germination. Work seedlings up into pots the first year or two and transplant out into the garden once robust. Protect from slugs.
The medicinal root is ready to harvest in 3-5 years, primarily used for woman’s reproductive health and during menopause. Beautiful white flowers starting in the second or third year. Plant prefers acidic soils and partial to full shade. but can be grown in full sun in the Maritime North West, as long as it is well watered.
Packet 50 seeds
Open pollinated, no GMO’s, untreated, hand harvested
Wayside Botanicals cannot take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always do research and seek advice from a professional before consuming and/or using a plant medicinally.