Wayside Botanicals


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Sweet Root Tincture, Ozmorhiza occidentalis

Sweet Root Tincture, Ozmorhiza occidentalis


Fresh wild harvested Sweet Root Tincture, Ozmorhiza occidentalis.

1 oz Bottle

I wild harvest sweet root in the mountains of the North Cascades in early fall, after the seeds have set and are ready to be dispersed. I harvest in very large stands and only take a small amount for medicine making. I dig the roots by hand, fill in the holes in the soil, disperse seeds and mulch the forest floor with the leaves. Then I wash the roots and chop for medicine. I macerate the roots in 75% grain alcohol and 25% distilled water for 6 weeks then strain in a dark bottle and store in a cool dark cabinet. Finished tincture is about 60% alcohol

Sweet Root is an amazing tasting herb, much like root beer. Sweet, warming and stimulating. Useful for candida and other fungal and yeast infections internally and topically. Brings relief for indigestion, and stomach upset. Many folks use it to help with sugar cravings and regulating blood sugar levels, as well as a mild laxative, and soothing sore throats.

***Herbs have been used effectively for centuries, but they are not regulated by the Food & Drug Administration. Wayside Botanicals products and statements have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Consult a health practitioner before using these products if you have any serious medical conditions, are pregnant, lactating, or taking any medication.

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