Lomatium dissectum Seed
Lomatium dissectum Seed
Fernleaf Biscuit Root, Chocolate Tips, Ayun
Zones 5-10
Seeds will require exposure to the elements for 1-2 years before germination, so be patient. Sow seeds in the fall, in well-draining soil mix, barely cover with soil and tamp down firmly. Allow seeds to be exposed to the winter freezing temperatures, snow and rains. Germination should begin the next spring or the following. Lomatium is a draught tolerant plant, and prefers sandy and rocky dry soil, in full sun. Don’t over water.
Lomatium dissectum root is a potent antiviral, specifically for the respiratory system.
Packet is 50 Seeds
Open pollinated, no GMO’s, untreated, hand harvested.
Wayside Botanicals cannot take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always do research and seek advice from a professional before consuming and/or using a plant medicinally.