Blue Vervain Seed
Blue Vervain Seed
Verbena hastata
Zones 3-9
Sow seeds spring through fall. Surface sow and tamp down firmly into the soil. keep well-watered. Germination should begin in 1-2 weeks. Easy to grow. Start in flats or pots and transplant out once robust. Pick a moist location with rich soil in partial shade or full sun. Blue vervain clumps as it grows and can become quite tall (6ft) with adequate moisture. Beloved by bees.
Blue Vervain’s medicinal action’s quite under rated. it is a digestive bitter, sedating nervine, diaphoretic when taken hot and has a drying action for moist states, to name a few. One of most favorite herbs to grow and easy seed to collect.
Packet about 1000 seeds
Open pollinated, no GMO’s, untreated, hand harvested
Wayside Botanicals cannot take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always do research and seek advice from a professional before consuming and/or using a plant medicinally.